5. Top. Graben length versus distance away from the spreading axis. Dots
show average graben length in bins 0-5 km, 5-10 km, 10-20 km and 20-35 km
off-axis, error bars are +/- 2 standard errors, line is linear regression.
Bottom. Average scarp heights (facing inward or toward the spreading axis
and outward or away from the axis) as a function of distance from the axis,
numbers indicate how many scarps were tabulated within each 3 km wide bin
extending from 9°20'-50'N, error bars are +/-2 standard errors, straight
lines are linear regressions; for outward facing scarps, R= 0.11, for inward
facing scarps, R=0.90. Inward facing scarps show continued growth to the
edge of the study area, perhaps beyond; for outward facing scarps growth
diminishes within~6 km of the spreading axis.